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Книги для разработчиков

Advanced Microservices

Advanced Microservices

A Hands-on Approach to Microservice Infrastructure and Tooling


Use the many types of tools required to navigate and maintain a microservice ecosystem. This book examines what is normally a complex system of interconnected services and clarifies them one at a time, first examining theoretical requirements then looking at concrete tools, configuration, and workflows. Building out these systems includes many concerns such as containerization, container orchestration, build pipelines and continuous integration solutions, automated testing, service discovery, logging and analytics. You will examine each of these tools and understand how they can be combined within an organization. You will design an automated build pipeline from Pull Request to container deployment, understand how to achieve High Availability and monitor application health with Service Discovery, and learn how to collaborate with other teams, write documentation, and describe bugs.

Covering use of Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), and StatsD and Grafana for analytics, you will build on your existing knowledge of Service-Oriented Architecture and gain an advanced, practical understanding of everything from infrastructure development to team collaboration. What You'll Learn Design an API to be convenient for developers to consume. Deploy dynamic instances of Microservices and allow then to discover each other. Track the health of a Microservice and be notified in case of degraded performance. Write effective documentation and communicate efficiently with other teams. Who This Book Is For Those who would like a better understanding of System Oriented Architecture. Those who would like to break a monolith into smaller Microservices. Those who are familiar with Microservices and would like a better understanding of peripheral technologies.

ASP.NET Core. Разработка приложений
Автор: Джеймс Чамберс, Дэвид Пэкетт, Саймон Тиммс
Год: 2018
Современные разработчики занимаются построением кроссплатформенных приложений, их сопровождением и развертыванием. Чтобы облегчить им тяжкий труд, был создан новый фреймворк компании Microsoft — ASP.NET Core. Теперь в вашем распоряжении множество разнообразных библиотек с открытым кодом, более того, сам фреймворк является продуктом...
Docker in Practice, Second Edition
Автор: Ian Miell, Aidan Hobson Sayers
Год: 2019
Docker in Practice, Second Edition presents over 100 practical techniques, hand-picked to help you get the most out of Docker. Following a Problem/Solution/Discussion format, you'll walk through specific examples that you can use immediately, and you'll get expert guidance on...
Prometheus: Up & Running
Автор: Brian Brazil
Год: 2018
Get up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used by tens of thousands of organizations in production. This practical guide provides application developers, sysadmins, and DevOps practitioners with a hands-on introduction to the most important aspects of Prometheus,...
Security for Containers and Kubernetes
Автор: Aversa Luigi
Год: 2023
A practical guide to hardening containers and securing Kubernetes deployments.Key features Learn how to develop a comprehensive security strategy for container platforms. Deep dive into best practices for application security in container environments. ...
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