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Книги для разработчиков

Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools

Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools

Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools favorites 0

This guide introduces the basic concepts of building a development lifecycle around Azure using .NET tools and processes. After finishing this guide you'll have the knowledge needed to build a mature DevOps toolchain.

Effective DevOps
Автор: Jennifer Davis, Ryn Daniels
Год: 2016
Some companies think that adopting devops means bringing in specialists or a host of new tools. With this practical guide, you’ll learn why devops is a professional and cultural movement that calls for change from inside your organization. Authors Ryn...
DevOps for Azure Applications
Автор: Suren Machiraju, Suraj Gaurav
Год: 2018
Deploy web applications on Azure using DevOps tools. This book gives solutions to real-world Cloud deployment scenarios which will enable you to become adept in DevOps work for Azure. You'll start by seeing an overview of DevOps for Azure deployments...
The Complete ASP.NET Core 3 API Tutorial
Автор: Les Jackson
Год: 2020
Use this ASP.NET Core API tutorial and straightforward step-by-step guide to build, test, and deploy an ASP.NET Core API to Azure. It will help you code confidently and efficiently, and provides just what you need for context.The book starts with...
DevOps Automation Cookbook
Автор: Michael Duffy
Год: 2015
There has been a recent explosion in tools that allow you to redefine the delivery of infrastructure and applications, using a combination of automation and testing to deliver continuous deployment. DevOps has garnered interest from every quarter, and is rapidly...
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