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Книги для разработчиков

Unity Games by Tutorials, 3rd Edition

Unity Games by Tutorials, 3rd Edition

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The best Unity book for beginners!
Create 4 complete Unity games for scratch, including a first-person shooter, a tower defense game, and more.

Unity Apprentice
Автор: Eric Van de Kerckhove, Matt Larson, Ben MacKinnon
Год: 2022
Learn how to build 3D games with the Unity game engine, while utilizing best-practice game development techniques.In this book, you’ll learn how to build 3D games using Unity - one of the most popular cross-platform game engines available today. The...
Hands-On Unity 2022 Game Development, 3rd Edition
Автор: Nicolas Alejandro Borromeo
Год: 2022
Create, customize, and optimize your own professional games from scratch with Unity 2022Key Features: Create the game prototype and learn the fundamentals of Unity editor to build scenes, objects and import objects ...
Искусство создания сценариев в Unity
Автор: Алан Торн
Год: 2016
Это простое и доступное руководство, в котором вы найдете полезные советы и современные приемы программирования игр на С# в Unity. Десять исчерпывающих глав книги содержат практические и наглядные примеры творческого подхода к программированию на С# и созданию коммерчески успешных игр...
Unity in Action, 3rd Edition
Автор: Joseph Hocking
Год: 2022
This hands-on beginners guide gets you building games fast, all with the awesome Unity engine! You’ll speed past the basics and use your existing coding skills to create 2D, 3D, and AR/VR games.In Unity in Action, Third Edition, you will...
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