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Mastering Windows Presentation Foundation

Mastering Windows Presentation Foundation

Build responsive UIs for desktop applications with WPF, 2nd Edition
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Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides several libraries and APIs for developers to create engaging user experiences. This book features a wide range of simple through to complex examples to demonstrate how to develop enterprise-grade applications for Windows desktop with WPF.

This updated second edition of Mastering Windows Presentation Foundation starts by covering the benefits of using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) software architectural pattern with WPF, before guiding you through debugging your WPF apps. The book will then take you through the application architecture and building the foundation layer for your apps. As you advance, you'll get to grips with data binding, explore the various built-in WPF controls, and customize them to suit your requirements. You'll learn how to create custom controls to meet your needs when the built-in functionality is not enough. You'll also learn how to enhance your applications using practical animations, stunning visuals, and responsive data validation. To ensure that your app is not only interactive but also efficient, you'll focus on improving application performance, and finally, discover the different methods for deploying your applications.

By the end of this book, you'll be proficient in using WPF for developing efficient yet robust user interfaces.

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