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Книги для разработчиков

DevOps Automation Cookbook

DevOps Automation Cookbook



There has been a recent explosion in tools that allow you to redefine the delivery of infrastructure and applications, using a combination of automation and testing to deliver continuous deployment. DevOps has garnered interest from every quarter, and is rapidly being recognized as a radical shift, as large as the Agile movement for the delivery of software.

This book takes a collection of some of the coolest software available today and shows you how to use it to create impressive changes to the way you deliver applications and software. It tackles the plethora of tools that are now available to enable organizations to take advantage of the automation, monitoring, and configuration management techniques that define a DevOps-driven infrastructure.

Starting off with the fundamental command-line tools that every DevOps enthusiast must know, this book will guide you through the implementation of the Ansible tool to help you facilitate automation and perform diverse tasks. You will explore how to build hosts automatically with the creation of Apt mirrors and interactive pre-seeds, which are of the utmost importance for Ubuntu automation. You will also delve into the concept of virtualization and creating and manipulating guests with ESXi. Following this, you will venture into the application of Docker; learn how to install, run, network, and restore Docker containers; and also learn how to build containers in Jenkins and deploy apps using a combination of Ansible, Docker, and Jenkins. You will also discover how to filter data with Grafana and the usage of InfluxDB along with unconventional log management. Finally, you will get acquainted with cloud infrastructure, employing the Heroku and Amazon AWS platforms.

By tackling real-world issues, this book will guide you through a huge variety of tools, giving new users the ability to get up and running and offering advanced users some interesting recipes that may help with existing issues.

What You Will Learn
- Manage, use, and work with code in the Git version management system.
- Manage the life cycle of hosts, from creation to on-going management, using Puppet Razor.
- Create hosts automatically using a simple combination of TFTP, DHCP, and pre-seeds.
- Implement virtual hosts using the ubiquitous VMware ESXi hypervisor.
- Control configuration using the powerful and popular Ansible configuration management system.
- Develop powerful, consistent, and portable containers using Docker.
- Track trends, discover data, and monitor key systems using InfluxDB, syslog, and Sensu.
- Deal efficiently with powerful cloud infrastructures using the Amazon AWS Infrastructure as a Service and the Heroku Platform as a Service.

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