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Книги для разработчиков

Microservices for the Enterprise

Microservices for the Enterprise

Designing, Developing, and Deploying
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Understand the key challenges and solutions around building microservices in the enterprise application environment. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of microservices architectural principles and how to use microservices in real-world scenarios.

Architectural challenges using microservices with service integration and API management are presented and you learn how to eliminate the use of centralized integration products such as the enterprise service bus (ESB) through the use of composite/integration microservices. Concepts in the book are supported with use cases, and emphasis is put on the reality that most of you are implementing in a “brownfield” environment in which you must implement microservices alongside legacy applications with minimal disruption to your business.

Microservices for the Enterprise covers state-of-the-art techniques around microservices messaging, service development and description, service discovery, governance, and data management technologies and guides you through the microservices design process. Also included is the importance of organizing services as core versus atomic, composite versus integration, and API versus edge, and how such organization helps to eliminate the use of a central ESB and expose services through an API gateway.

What You'll Learn

- Design and develop microservices architectures with confidence.
- Put into practice the most modern techniques around messaging technologies.
- Apply the Service Mesh pattern to overcome inter-service communication challenges.
- Apply battle-tested microservices security patterns to address real-world scenarios.
- Handle API management, decentralized data management, and observability.

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