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Книги для разработчиков

PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, 9.5/9.6 Edition

PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, 9.5/9.6 Edition



PostgreSQL is a powerful opensource database management system; now recognized as the expert's choice for a wide range of applications, it has an enviable reputation for performance and stability. PostgreSQL provides an integrated feature set comprising relational database features, object-relational, text search, Geographical Info Systems, analytical tools for big data and JSON/XML document management.

Starting with short and simple recipes, you will soon dive into core features, such as configuration, server control, tables, and data. You will tackle a variety of problems a database administrator usually encounters, from creating tables to managing views, from improving performance to securing your database, and from using monitoring tools to using storage engines. Recipes based on important topics such as high availability, concurrency, replication, backup and recovery, as well as diagnostics and troubleshooting are also given special importance.

By the end of this book, you will have all the knowledge you need to run, manage, and maintain PostgreSQL efficiently.

What You Will Learn
- Implement PostgreSQL features for performance and reliability;
- Harness the power of the latest PostgreSQL 9.6 features;
- Manage open source PostgreSQL versions 9.5 and 9.6 on various platforms;
- Discover advanced technical tips for experienced users;
- Explore best practices for planning and designing live databases;
- Select and implement robust backup and recovery techniques;
- Explore concise and clear guidance on replication and high availability;
- See the latest details on Logical Replication and Bi-Directional Replication.

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Работа с PostgreSQL, настройка и масштабирование
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PostgreSQL High Availability Cookbook, Second Edition
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