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Azure Cookbook

Azure Cookbook

Recipes to Create and Maintain Cloud Solutions in Azure
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How do you deal with the problems you face when using Azure? This practical guide provides over 75 recipes to help you to work with common Azure issues in everyday scenarios. That includes key tasks like setting up permissions for a storage account, working with Cosmos DB APIs, managing Azure role-based access control, governing your Azure subscriptions using Azure Policy, and much more.

Author Reza Salehi has assembled real-world recipes that enable you to grasp key Azure services and concepts quickly. Each recipe includes CLI scripts that you can execute in your own Azure account. Recipes also explain the approach and provide meaningful context. The solutions in this cookbook will take you beyond theory and help you understand Azure services in practice.

You'll find recipes that let you:

  • Store data in an Azure storage account or in a data lake.
  • Work with relational and nonrelational databases in Azure.
  • Manage role-based access control (RBAC) for Azure resources.
  • Safeguard secrets in Azure Key Vault.
  • Govern your Azure subscription using Azure Policy.
  • Use CLI code to construct your application or fix a particular problem.
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