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Книги для разработчиков

TypeScript Design Patterns

TypeScript Design Patterns



In programming, there are several problems that occur frequently. To solve these problems, there are various repeatable solutions that are known as design patterns. Design patterns are a great way to improve the efficiency of your programs and improve your productivity.

This book is a collection of the most important patterns you need to improve your applications’ performance and your productivity. The journey starts by explaining the current challenges when designing and developing an application and how you can solve these challenges by applying the correct design pattern and best practices.

Each pattern is accompanied with rich examples that demonstrate the power of patterns for a range of tasks, from building an application to code testing. We’ll introduce low-level programming concepts to help you write TypeScript code, as well as work with software architecture, best practices, and design aspects.

What You Will Learn

- Understand the challenges and implications of developing an enterprise application;
- Install and configure the necessary tools in order to start developing an application;
- Identify the challenges when developing an application;
- Apply GoF patterns in an application with a testing approach;
- Use and utilize design patterns while developing a TypeScript application or during JavaScript application development;
- Reference to SOLID principles and what their benefits do to your projects;
- Apply various principles in a TypeScript application;
- Improve code quality and development speed.

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