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Книги для разработчиков

Scala for the Impatient, 2nd Edition

Scala for the Impatient, 2nd Edition

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Interest in the Scala programming language continues to grow for many reasons. Scala embraces the functional programming style without abandoning the object-oriented paradigm, and it allows you to write programs more concisely than in Java. Because Scala runs on the JVM, it can access any Java library and is interoperable with familiar Java frameworks. Scala also makes it easier to leverage the full power of concurrency.

Pro .NET Memory Management, Second Edition
Автор: Konrad Kokosa, Christophe Nasarre, Kevin Gosse
Год: 2024
Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding...
Building Applications with Scala
Автор: Diego Pacheco
Год: 2016
Write modern, scalable, and reactive applications with the power of Scala. Scala is known for incorporating both object-oriented and functional programming into a concise and extremely powerful package. However, creating an app in Scala can get a little tricky because...
Pro .NET Memory Management
Автор: Konrad Kokosa
Год: 2018
Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding...
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