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Книги для разработчиков

Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform

Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform

A project-based guide
Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform favorites 0

The best way to learn microservices development is to build something! Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform guides you from zero through to a complete microservices project, including fast prototyping, development, and deployment. You’ll get your feet wet using industry-standard tools as you learn and practice the practical skills you’ll use for every microservices application. Following a true bootstrapping approach, you’ll begin with a simple, familiar application and build up your knowledge and skills as you create and deploy a real microservices project.

About the technology
Taking microservices from proof of concept to production is a complex, multi-step operation relying on tools like Docker, Terraform, and Kubernetes for packaging and deployment. The best way to learn the process is to build a project from the ground up, and that’s exactly what you’ll do with this book!

About the book
In Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform, author Ashley Davis lays out a comprehensive approach to building microservices. You’ll start with a simple design and work layer-by-layer until you’ve created your own video streaming application. As you go, you’ll learn to configure cloud infrastructure with Terraform, package microservices using Docker, and deploy your finished project to a Kubernetes cluster.

What's inside

  • Developing and testing microservices applications
  • Working with cloud providers
  • Applying automated testing
  • Implementing infrastructure as code and setting up a continuous delivery pipeline
  • Monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting

About the reader
Examples are in JavaScript. No experience with microservices, Kubernetes, Terraform, or Docker required.

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