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The Ultimate Docker Container Book, 3rd Edition

The Ultimate Docker Container Book, 3rd Edition

Build, test, ship, and run containers with Docker and Kubernetes


Build, ship, and run containers from scratch with Docker and Kubernetes be it on premise or in the cloud

Key features:

  • Master Docker container setup, operation, and debugging.
  • Use Docker compose for managing multi-service applications.
  • Navigate orchestrators like Kubernetes and Docker swarmkit.

Book description:

The Ultimate Docker Container Book, 3rd edition enables you to leverage Docker containers for streamlined software development. You'll uncover Docker fundamentals and how containers improve software supply chain efficiency and enhance security.

You'll start by learning practical skills such as setting up Docker environments, handling stateful components, running and testing code within containers, and managing Docker images. You'll also explore how to adapt legacy applications for containerization and understand distributed application architecture. Next, you'll delve into Docker's networking model, software-defined networks for secure applications, and Docker compose for managing multi-service applications along with tools for log analysis and metrics. You'll further deepen your understanding of popular orchestrators like Kubernetes and Docker swarmkit, exploring their key concepts, and deployment strategies for resilient applications. In the final sections, you'll gain insights into deploying containerized applications on major cloud platforms, including Azure, AWS, and GCE and discover techniques for production monitoring and troubleshooting.

By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped to manage and scale containerized applications effectively.

What you will learn:

  • Understand the benefits of using containers.
  • Manage Docker containers effectively.
  • Create and manage Docker images.
  • Explore data volumes and environment variables.
  • Master distributed application architecture.
  • Deep dive into Docker networking.
  • Use Docker Compose for multi-service apps.
  • Deploy apps on major cloud platforms.

Who this book is for:

This book is for Linux professionals, system administrators, operations engineers, DevOps engineers, software architects, and developers looking to work with Docker and Kubernetes from scratch. A basic understanding of Docker containers is recommended, but no prior knowledge of Kubernetes is required. Familiarity with scripting tools such as Bash or PowerShell will be advantageous.

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