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Книги для разработчиков

Pro ASP.NET Core Identity

Pro ASP.NET Core Identity

Under the Hood with Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 5 and 6 Applications
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Get the most from ASP.NET Core Identity. Best-selling author Adam Freeman teaches developers common authentication and user management scenarios and explains how they are implemented in applications. He covers each topic clearly and concisely, and the book is packed with the essential details you need to be effective.

The book takes a deep dive into the Identity framework and explains how the most important and useful features work in detail, creating custom implementations of key components to reveal the inner workings of ASP.NET Core Identity. ASP.NET Core Identity provides authentication and user management for ASP.NET Core applications. Identity is a complex framework in its own right, with support for a wide range of features, including authenticating users with services provided by Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain a solid understanding of how Identity provides authentication and authorization for ASP.NET Core applications.
  • Configure ASP.NET Core Identity for common application scenarios, including self-service registration, user management, and authentication with services provided by popular social media platforms.
  • Create robust and reliable user management tools.
  • Understand how Identity works in detail.

Who This Book Is For

Developers with advanced knowledge of ASP.NET Core who are introducing Identity into their projects. Prior experience and knowledge of C#, ASP.NET Core is required, along with a basic understanding of authentication and authorization concepts.

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