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Книги для разработчиков

Migrating to Microservice Databases

Migrating to Microservice Databases

From relational monolith to distributed data
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After years of researching, coding, and talking about microservices, Edson Yanaga — Red Hat’s Director of Developer Experience — hears one question frequently: how do I evolve my monolithic legacy database? In this practical report, Yanaga explains strategies for dealing with your relational database when migrating from a monolithic codebase to a microservices architecture. In the process, you’ll focus on one key microservices characteristic: decentralized data management.

For many enterprise application developers, microservices are good for splitting up unwieldy codebases into smaller, well-defined, cohesive, and loosely coupled artifacts — an architecture that can simplify and accelerate new software releases. You’ll learn successful strategies for integrating data between your existing monolithic application and your new microservice artifacts.

  • Learn how zero downtime migrations enable you to deploy new code without disrupting user activity.
  • Evolve your relational database by keeping specific versions of application code and database schemas in the same code repository.
  • Understand the distinction behind the CRUD pattern and CQRS — including the consistency models involved in distributed systems.
  • Explore a set of nine strategies for integrating data from your monolithic application to a microservice architecture.
Practical Microservices Architectural Patterns
Автор: Binildas Christudas
Год: 2019
About this bookTake your distributed applications to the next level and see what the reference architectures associated with microservices can do for you. This book begins by showing you the distributed computing architecture landscape and provides an in-depth view of...
Microservice APIs
Автор: José Haro Peralta
Год: 2023
Strategies, best practices, and patterns that will help you design resilient microservices architecture and streamline your API integrations.In Microservice APIs, you'll discover: Service decomposition strategies for microservices. Documentation-driven development for APIs. ...
Microservice Architecture
Автор: Nadareishvili, Mitra, McLarty, Amundsen
Год: 2016
Microservices can have a positive impact on your enterprise — just ask Amazon and Netflix — but you can fall into many traps if you don’t approach them in the right way. This practical guide covers the entire microservices landscape,...
Microservice Patterns and Best Practices
Автор: Vinicius Feitosa Pacheco
Год: 2018
Key Features Get to grips with the microservice architecture and build enterprise-ready microservice applications Learn design patterns and the best practices while building a microservice application Obtain hands-on techniques and tools...
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